Today we had an inspiring talk from Mr Patterson and Raenan. They came today to speak to us year seven and eights about stuff like you choose your decisions and setting your goals and more. The thing that inspired me the most was to take advantage of the opportunities. Raenan talked about himself and how he had a goal to be head boy at Tamaki College and he is deputy head boy for 2018. When he talked about take advantage of the opportunities, it means to take opportunities that you have now before you don't have it. We learned a lot from Mr Patterson and Raenan and take what we learned with them where we go.
This blog is a record of my learning from Pt England School in Auckland, through to Tamaki College.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Thursday, 7 December 2017
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Considering others viewpoints
This week we been learning about consider someone else's viewpoint. We had statements that we had to do, we had to agree or disagree. We also had to tell our reasoning and reasoning for the other side of the argument. At the bottom I have videoed myself talking about one of the statements. I hope you enjoy.
Friday, 1 December 2017
6 Emotions
This term we are learning about musical madness. Me and my buddy have created these slides. We have our six emotions, part of our work was to find songs that suits the emotions and the colours. I hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
The Gingerbread's
The Gingerbread's
Once upon a time there was a young couple who lived in a little cottage in a little farm.It was only them two and the animals that lived there. As the young man was working he was hungry so he asked his wife can you make me a Gingerbread Man.
So the lady made gingerbread, she made a batch of gingerbread dough, then rolled it flat and cut it in a shape of a Gingerbread Man, the lady could smell the gingerbread and that made her hungry, so she made a Gingerbread Lady for her. As the young lady opened the oven door to check if the gingerbread's were ready she forgot to get her oven gloves that was on the table. So she went to get it and forgot to close the oven door.
So then the gingerbread man whispered to the gingerbread lady do you want to go I don’t want to be eaten. Then the gingerbread’s jumped out of the oven and ran but the lady saw them. Then she went after them and the gingerbread man and lady said you can’t catch us we are the gingerbread's. The gingerbread's ran discreetly through the garden and past the man. The man said to STOP I want to eat you and the gingerbread's said no we are too fast.
So then the man chased after them and the gingerbread's ran even faster then they ran passed the pig. Stop, the pig snorted , I want to eat you. But the gingerbread's ran even faster. Then the pig chased after the gingerbread’s. The gingerbread's were trapped, they thought should we go by the trees or run. Then the gingerbread man pondered the question which way to go.
So they made a discreet decision to go through the trees and hide their unit they are all gone. They were hiding in the trees trying not to make a noise. But then gingerbread lady saw a bug on her and blurted out loud I don’t want to hide in the trees let's go somewhere else. Suddenly the man heard and said go through the trees. The gingerbread's ran for their lives like if it was the end of the world. As they were running they found this big pile of hay and went in there unit they hear nothing.
The man, lady and animals were to tired of looking so they just decided to go back home. So the gingerbread's ran away as far as they could and lived there.
The End
Monday, 20 November 2017
Guy Fawkes
This week we have been learning about Guy Fawkes and here are some facts about Guy Fawkes. Guy Fawkes was the man who wanted to used gunpowder to kill the king and his leaders it wasn't only Guy Fawkes who worked on this idea to kill the king. He worked with other men like Robert Catesby and others who also wanted to kill the king.Then the king found out and killed Guy Fawkes and his friends that wanted to kill the king.
At the top I have my poster that I made. It is part of our work we have to create a poster that advertises your new event. In our poster we have to tell when,where and how we can celebrate our event that we made.
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
Friday, 3 November 2017
Focus Question
1.What is an orchestra?
2.What are the parts of an orchestra?
1. An orchestra is a group of musicians playing different musical instruments under the direction of a conductor.
2. The parts of an orchestra is woodwind, brass, basses, percussion and strings.
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
A + I = M talk from Mr Patterson
Today we had an inspiring talk from Mr Patterson. Mr Patterson came to talk to the year 7 & 8's about A + I = M and that means aspiration, inspiration and motivation. First he talked about what you want to do and dream of. Then he talked about who inspires you. But the thing I liked about the talk and what I am going to take with me is to be a giver and have the ability to notice an act. He talked to us about this 11 year old boy called Willy who was a giver and gave his lunch and money to this homeless man for two weeks. Now the homeless man has a job and home and that I know now that I would like to be a giver.
Friday, 27 October 2017
The Rules
This is my work that I have done this week. Hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
What it means to be a good role model
Do you have what it takes to be a good role model? Well here are some different ways how you can be a good role model.
One way to be a good role model is doing a lot of jobs that would make people happy like helping them with their work and giving them stuff that they need and if people see what you are doing they would want to copy you.
Another thing a good role model would do is share their things, like if your friend doesn't have any lunch you would share your lunch with them and that’s what a good role model would do share.
Lastly a good role model would treat people how you would want to be treated. Like if someone asks if they can play the game you are playing you would want to say yes. If you say no and that person you said no to starts a game and you ask to play they would say no because you said no to them and didn't treat them like a friend.
So there we have it different ways how to be a good role model.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Film Festival highlights
During this week our class room 4 have been filming our movie for the manaiakalani film festival.Our class came up with and idea to do an food testing being blindfolded.We needed something easy to do because we only had about an week or 2 to film.So we came up we that Idea to do food testing being blindfolded.Our teacher Mrs Judd put us into groups of three's.When it was my turn to try the food, I was nervous because I didn't know what the food was.I was with two boys and first up with got these dried beans that tested weird.Then we got this fried dumpling that just tested like peanuts.After that we got this thing that felt wet and gross and if you want to know what it was then wait for our manaiakalani film festival movie to come out and then you can know what it was.
Monday, 18 September 2017
Monday, 11 September 2017
Multiplication Pyramid
This is my top 3 questions and how I solved it.
1.75 x 180=???
75 x 100=7500
75 x 80=6000
2.180 x 48= ???
180 x 40=7200
180 x 8 =1440
3.13500 x 8640=???
13500 x 8600=116100000
13500 x 40 = 540000
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
This is another one like my other post, but this one is translate.
This was my hardest question./HARD
This was my easiest one.
This was my hardest question./HARD
This was my easiest one.
This is my rotate one, like how I picked reflection on my other post.This was my hardest question./HARD
This was the easiest question for me. /EASY
This was the easiest question for me. /EASY
Thursday, 31 August 2017
Monday, 28 August 2017
Geometry lesson
Today we are learning about geometry in maths. We have to design a 3D model rocket with blocks and then we have to use 2D drawing to show the different views. At first it was hard because I did't know how to do it and I don't know that much about geometry but now it is a little bit easy.This is my partner that I picked that is going to use my 2D drawing to try and build my rocket.
Tuesday, 22 August 2017
I Wonder...Animation
This is my Term 3 I wonder animation. My I wonder Question is: I Wonder Why The Sun Is So Hot? Watch my animation to find out more. Hope you enjoy.
Monday, 14 August 2017
Speech and Speech reflection.
This is my speech reflection that I have done.It is about me talking about my speech that I gave to my class and what I should do better and what I felt do well.I hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, 21 June 2017
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Tenths & Hundredths
This is my Tenths & Hundredths that I have done.In this google slides it has questions that have tenths and hundredths.I hope you like my work.
Thursday, 8 June 2017
Wednesday, 7 June 2017
Data usage
This is my Data usage that I have done .In this google slides we have questions that have mean,median,mode,range and probability.I hope you like my work.
Friday, 26 May 2017
The last 3 days of fun!!!
Wednesday,Thursday and Friday were awesome.Since the year 8's are gone away to camp for 3 and a half days, it is only the year 7's here with a few year 8's.Wednesday was when the year 8's went to camp while the year 7's are having a fun day.First thing on Wednesday that we did was to plan our group name,group leaders and a group chat.After we showed the
other groups we had games.On Thursday we did fun stuff like doing art, making truffles and team building and after lunch we also had fun sports games done for us.Today on Friday we are going to have a shared lunch and a movie that is going to be played for us.
Monday, 8 May 2017
12 by 12 math's grid
This is my math's grid that I have done today it is 12 by 12 .We had to try and finish this in 10 minutes.I didn't finish it but I will try harder next time to finish it and finish before 10 minutes.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Editing Writing
Do you have a special place in your community? Well I do my special place it’s my school, my school is special to me because that's where I go every day.
I love my school, my one is one of the best schools that’s why it's special to me.
School is just like my home like how you have family at home, I also have family at school everyone that’s why school is special.
Another reason school is a special place because I get to learn and have fun each day.I love it because you get to make new friends and show them how it works in your school.School is a special place in my community but I don’t know about you?
I love school even if I go to another school.School is always going to be a special place in my community because everybody care’s,love,shares and is always being kind to each other.I don’t know about you, do you have a special place in your community???
Do you have a special place in your community? Well I do my special place it’s my school, my school is special to me because that's where I go every day.
I love my school, my school is one of the best schools that’s why it's special to me.
School is just like my home like how you have family at home, I also have family at school and that is everyone that’s why school is special.
Another reason school is a special place because I get to learn and have fun each day.I love it because you get to make new friends and show them how it works in your school.School is a special place in my community but I don’t know about you?
I love school even if I go to another school.School is always going to be a special place in my community because everybody care’s,love,shares and is always being kind to each other.I don’t know about you, do you have a special place in your community???
Independent and dependent clauses
WALT - Identify independent and dependent clauses
- Identify the subject and a predicate of a clause
- Identify the features of complex sentences
- Identify the subject and a predicate of a clause
- Identify the features of complex sentences
This is my work that is about two different clauses called independent and dependent, I also did it with my friend Latu. In some of the google slides we wrote some independent and dependent sentences we also had to highlight the subject in red and the predicate in blue.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Maui and the sun poster
Thursday, 6 April 2017

Monday, 3 April 2017
Free Writing
This is my free writing that I have wrote. It is similar to the movie called the Journey 2: The Mysterious Island.I hope you like it.
It was a Sunday when I went downstairs to clean the basement when I was where the books area was, I was looking which books to throw out and which not to throw out.When I was going through the books I found this old book called A Hidden Island.
I read about for only five minutes and then when I looked on the next page I saw a picture of my grandpa,is that him on that island.I freezed for a second and was thinking is that really grandpa on that hidden island.
The next day in the morning I went to tell my father that his dad is on that hidden island and I think he lives there all along.But dad didn't believe me.Then I gave the book to him and he read some of it and when he flipped to next page he saw a picture of his dad.He looked at it and then started to cry and said why did he leave us.He asked me if he is alive and I said I don’t know.We stayed up late reading the book and getting some information and where the island was at.
The next day we saw that the island was in the pacific ocean.Dad booked us I fight to the nearest island there.We packed all of our stuff and was ready to go.In the plane I was reading the book and was getting more info.We landed on that island and was asking people if they could take us to the hidden island and then this man heard us and took us there.During the trip we could see that the sky was getting darker and darker.It said in the book that going in the storm is how you are going to get to the island,so we went.
Then I woke up and saw dad and that man standing in front of me with this other man.Is that you grandpa, yes it’s me kid I gave grandpa a big hug.Then he took us around the island. We were only sleeping there for two night’s it was fun but then it was time to go.I hope I come back to see you grandpa, have a good trip said grandpa.After that it was time to go back home.
Wednesday, 29 March 2017
Multiplication Pyramid
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Language Features
This is my Language Features that I have done it is all about this book that me and my group read it is called the Whale child.There are questions that we have to answer in there from the book.I hope you like my work.
Monday, 20 March 2017
T1W7 - WALT: Solve problems with fractions, decimals and percentages
This is my solve problems with fractions, decimals and percentages that I have done.There are questions in there that has fractions, decimals and percentages, I hope you like my work.
Wednesday, 8 March 2017
Visual Mihi
This is my visual mihi that I have been working on, it is about me and what I like. I am proud to be a samoan,I love my school and my favourite subject in school is math and I am also a christian.I hope you like my visual mihi.
Thursday, 2 March 2017
Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Alphabet Multiplication
This is my Alphabet Multiplication that I have here.We have to find the letter that is in the word, each letter has a number next to it and they you have to times the number's together then you will receive an answer.
Fractions of a number
This is my Fractions of a number that I have done.It is also easy to solve fraction by using timetables and that's what I did.
Friday, 24 February 2017
Talking Points
This is my talking points work. The first one is about disagree and agree with these questions, the second one is a pallet about what was challenging about the task and what are group should improve on.I hope you like my work.
Thursday, 23 February 2017
Word Problems
This is my word problem that I have been working on, we have to solve the problems that are there.We have to show the how we solved the problem here is my one.I hope you enjoy.
Monday, 13 February 2017
Friday, 10 February 2017
My first two weeks of school👇
My First two weeks of school I was so excited because I got to go back and see my friends.The first week I was shy because now I am at intermediate,but my only friends from last year that are in my home class is Nyree, Charles,Penny and Troy.The second week of school was fun because that was when we got to go to are reading and maths class.
Thursday, 9 February 2017
Three Kete of Knowledge Poster
This is my three kete's of knowledge poster that I have made its about that we should use are mind because it helps our body and soul because the name of the three kete's of knowledge are mind,body and soul.I hope you like my poster.
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Friday, 3 February 2017
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